Dental tourism in Lima Peru

About the product
Dental Tourism means traveling abroad for affordable dental care, dental treatment, dental surgery or dental procedures, which are generally expensive in one's own country.
Every place on Earth is fascinating and unique, but Peru is one of those countries that manage to stand above the crowd. This place has so many natural and cultural treasures that have fascinated people for hundreds of years, and still fascinates them today. There are thousands of reasons to go to this great destination.
Peru is a cost-effective solution to the prohibitive insurance and medical costs of the United States. There are now literally hundreds of private clinics and hospitals with internationally trained staff and cutting edge technology and equipment.
Also if you have a type of Dental Health Insurance from abroad such as Cigna, Aetna, Metlife, Delta Dental, among others, we have forms so you may request a refund of your money spent on dental treatment. Usually these health insurances let you choose the doctor or hospital anywhere in the world with the reimbursement of medical expenses established in each plan. At Odontodigital we know how insurances work, and it’s really easy. We will write a special receipt for your insurance so you can get the money reinbursed when you came back home.
While the primary motivation for most customers is affordable dental care, for some people it's a great opportunity to combine dental care with traveling / vacation. Given the low cost of road, rail and air travel, you can even bring your friends or family along. Also, dental appointments don't take much time so lodging expenses are also low. We are located in 319 Schell Avenue, suite 606, Miraflores, telephone 4476153, cellphone 991216060 or local call from USA or Canada: 856-3226329 or visit We speak English, Italian and Portuguese. E mail: [email protected]
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